Source code for amsaf.amsaf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. module:: amsaf
   :synopsis: A functional(ish) implementation of AMSAF

AMSAF is comprised of several utility functions which wrap SimpleITK and Elastix
to facilitate easy registration, transformation, and segmentation
of .nii images. It's core functionality, amsaf_eval,
allows for quicker development of Elastix parameter maps by generating and
ranking the results of parameter map instances in a caller-defined search space.

import os
import sys
import glob

import numpy as np

import SimpleITK as sitk
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid

# Public module functions #

[docs]def amsaf_eval(unsegmented_image, ground_truth, segmented_image, segmentation, parameter_priors=None, verbose=False, memoize=False): """Main AMSAF functionality Generate and score new segmentations and corresponding Elastix parameter maps. :param unsegmented_image: The target for segmentation and scoring. :param ground_truth: The segmentation slice of unsegmented_image used as a ground truth to score images generated by AMSAF. :param segmented_image: The image we want to map a segmentation from. :param segmentation: The segmentation corresponding to segmented_image. :param parameter_priors: An optional vector of 3 ParameterGrid-style dicts mapping Elastix parameter map keys to lists of values. Each value list will be substituted in for the corresponding key in a default dict so that the caller can specify specific combinations of values for some keys, usually to constrain the search space for testing or time consideration. :param verbose: Optional boolean flag to toggle verbose stdout printing from Elastix. :param memoize: Optional boolean flag to toggle memoized optimization. Warning: experimental :type unsegmented_image: SimpleITK.Image :type ground_truth: SimpleITK.Image :type segmented_image: SimpleITK.Image :type segmentation: SimpleITK.Image :type parameter_priors: dict :type verbose: bool :type memoize: bool :returns: A lazy stream of result (parameter map vector, result segmentation, segmentation score) lists. :rtype: generator """ def eval_pm(parameter_map): seg = segment( unsegmented_image, segmented_image, segmentation, parameter_map, verbose=verbose) if ground_truth is not None: score = _sim_score(seg, ground_truth) else: score = 0 return [parameter_map, seg, score] def param_combinations(option_dict, transform_type): return (_to_elastix(pm, transform_type) for pm in ParameterGrid(option_dict)) if not parameter_priors: parameter_priors = _get_default_vector() if memoize: for rpm in param_combinations(parameter_priors[0], 'rigid'): rigid_image, rigid_pm = register_indv(unsegmented_image, segmented_image, 'rigid', rpm, verbose=verbose) for apm in param_combinations(parameter_priors[1], 'affine'): affine_image, affine_pm = register_indv(rigid_image, segmented_image, 'affine', apm, auto_init=False, verbose=verbose) for bpm in param_combinations(parameter_priors[2], 'bspline'): bspline_image, bspline_pm = register_indv(affine_image, segmented_image,'bspline', bpm, verbose=verbose) transform_parameter_maps = [rigid_pm, affine_pm, bspline_pm] transformed_seg = transform(segmentation, [_nn_assoc_indv(pm[0]) for pm in transform_parameter_maps], verbose=verbose) if ground_truth is not None: score = _sim_score(transformed_seg, ground_truth) else: score = 0 yield [ transform_parameter_maps , transformed_seg, score] else: for rpm in param_combinations(parameter_priors[0], 'rigid'): for apm in param_combinations(parameter_priors[1], 'affine'): for bpm in param_combinations(parameter_priors[2], 'bspline'): yield eval_pm([rpm, apm, bpm])
[docs]def write_top_k(k, amsaf_results, path): """Write top k results to filepath Results are written as subdirectories "result-i" for 0 < i <= k. Each subdirectory contains the result's corresponding parameter maps, segmentation, and score. :param k: Number of results to write. If k == 0, returns all results :param amsaf_results: Results in the format of amsaf_eval return value :param path: Filepath to write results at :type k: int :type amsaf_result: [[SimpleITK.ParameterMap, SimpleITK.Image, float]] :type path: str :rtype: None """ if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) for i, result in enumerate(top_k(k, amsaf_results)): write_result(result, os.path.join(path, 'result-{}'.format(i)))
[docs]def register(fixed_image, moving_image, parameter_maps=None, auto_init=True, verbose=False): """Register images using Elastix. :param parameter_maps: Optional vector of 3 parameter maps to be used for registration. If none are provided, a default vector of [rigid, affine, bspline] parameter maps is used. :param auto_init: Auto-initialize images. This helps with flexibility when using images with little overlap. :param verbose: Flag to toggle stdout printing from Elastix :type fixed_image: SimpleITK.Image :type moving_image: SimpleITK.Image :type parameter_maps: [SimpleITK.ParameterMap] :type auto_init: bool :type verbose: bool :returns: Tuple of (result_image, transform_parameter_maps) :rtype: (SimpleITK.Image, [SimpleITK.ParameterMap]) """ registration_filter = sitk.ElastixImageFilter() if not verbose: registration_filter.LogToConsoleOff() registration_filter.SetFixedImage(fixed_image) registration_filter.SetMovingImage(moving_image) if not parameter_maps: parameter_maps = [ sitk.GetDefaultParameterMap(t) for t in ['rigid', 'affine', 'bspline'] ] if auto_init: parameter_maps = _auto_init_assoc(parameter_maps) registration_filter.SetParameterMap(parameter_maps[0]) for m in parameter_maps[1:]: registration_filter.AddParameterMap(m) registration_filter.Execute() result_image = registration_filter.GetResultImage() transform_parameter_maps = registration_filter.GetTransformParameterMap() return result_image, transform_parameter_maps
[docs]def register_indv(fixed_image, moving_image, transform_type, parameter_map=None, auto_init=True, verbose=False): """Register images using Elastix. Used to perform transforms individually Namely used for memoization to avoid redundant computation :param transform_type: Type of tranform to be performed :type transform_type: String :param parameter_map: Optional parameter map to be used for registration. If none is provided, a default map based on transform type is used. :param auto_init: Auto-initialize images. This helps with flexibility when using images with little overlap. :param verbose: Flag to toggle stdout printing from Elastix :type fixed_image: SimpleITK.Image :type moving_image: SimpleITK.Image :type parameter_map: SimpleITK.ParameterMap :type auto_init: bool :type verbose: bool :returns: Tuple of (result_image, transform_parameter_maps) :rtype: (SimpleITK.Image, [SimpleITK.ParameterMap]) """ registration_filter = sitk.ElastixImageFilter() if not verbose: registration_filter.LogToConsoleOff() registration_filter.SetFixedImage(fixed_image) registration_filter.SetMovingImage(moving_image) if not parameter_map: parameter_map = sitk.GetDefaultParameterMap(transform_type) if auto_init: parameter_map = _auto_init_assoc_indv(parameter_map) registration_filter.SetParameterMap(parameter_map) registration_filter.Execute() result_image = registration_filter.GetResultImage() transform_parameter_map = registration_filter.GetTransformParameterMap() return result_image, transform_parameter_map
[docs]def segment(unsegmented_image, segmented_image, segmentation, parameter_maps=None, verbose=False): """Segment image using Elastix :param segmented_image: Image with corresponding segmentation passed as the next argument :param segmentation: Segmentation to be mapped from segmented_image to unsegmented_image :param parameter_maps: Optional vector of 3 parameter maps to be used for registration. If none are provided, a default vector of [rigid, affine, bspline] parameter maps is used. :param verbose: Flag to toggle stdout printing from Elastix :type unsegmented_image: SimpleITK.Image :type segmented_image: SimpleITK.Image :type segmentation: SimpleITK.Image :type parameter_maps: [SimpleITK.ParameterMap] :type verbose: bool :returns: Segmentation mapped from segmented_image to unsegmented_image :rtype: SimpleITK.Image """ _, transform_parameter_maps = register( unsegmented_image, segmented_image, parameter_maps, verbose=verbose) return transform( segmentation, _nn_assoc(transform_parameter_maps), verbose=verbose)
[docs]def transform(image, parameter_maps, verbose=False): """Transform an image according to some vector of parameter maps :param image: Image to be transformed :param parameter_maps: Vector of 3 parameter maps used to dictate the image transformation :type image: SimpleITK.Image :type parameter_maps: [SimpleITK.ParameterMap] :returns: Transformed image :rtype: SimpleITK.Image """ transform_filter = sitk.TransformixImageFilter() if not verbose: transform_filter.LogToConsoleOff() transform_filter.SetTransformParameterMap(parameter_maps) transform_filter.SetMovingImage(image) transform_filter.Execute() image = transform_filter.GetResultImage() return image
[docs]def read_image(path, ultrasound_slice=False): """Load image from filepath as SimpleITK.Image :param path: Path to .nii file containing image. :param ultrasound_slice: Optional. If True, image will be cast as sitkUInt16 for ultrasound images. :type path: str :returns: Image object from path :rtype: SimpleITK.Image """ image = sitk.ReadImage(path) if ultrasound_slice: image = sitk.Cast(image, sitk.sitkUInt16) return image
[docs]def write_image(image, path): """Write an image to file :param image: Image to be written :param path: Destination where image will be written to :type image: SimpleITK.Image :type path: str :rtype: None """ sitk.WriteImage(image, path)
[docs]def write_result(amsaf_result, path): """Write single amsaf_eval result to path Writes parameter maps, segmentation, and score of AMSAF result as individual files at path. :param amsaf_results: Results in the format of amsaf_eval return value :param path: Filepath to write results at :type amsaf_result: [SimpleITK.ParameterMap, SimpleITK.Image, float] :type path: str :rtype: None """ if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) for i, pf in enumerate(amsaf_result[0]): sitk.WriteParameterFile(pf, os.path.join( path, 'parameter-file-{}.txt'.format(i))) sitk.WriteImage(amsaf_result[1], os.path.join(path, 'seg.nii')) with open(os.path.join(path, 'score.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(amsaf_result[2]))
[docs]def top_k(k, amsaf_results): """Get top k results of amsaf_eval :param k: Number of results to return. If k == 0, returns all results :param amsaf_results: Results in the format of amsaf_eval return value :type k: int :type amsaf_result: [[SimpleITK.ParameterMap, SimpleITK.Image, float]] :returns: Top k result groups ordered by score :rtype: [[SimpleITK.ParameterMap, SimpleITK.Image, float]] """ if k == 0: sorted(amsaf_results, key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True) return sorted(amsaf_results, key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True)[:k]
[docs]def seg_map(segmented_subject_dir, unsegmented_subject_dir, segmentation_dir, filenames, parameter_maps=None, strict=False): """Intra-subject segmentation mappings from supplied filenames :param segmented_subject_dir: Directory with data of segmented image :param unsegmented_subject_dir: Directory with data of unsegmented_image :param segmentation_dir: Directory with data of segmented image segmentation :param filenames: Iterable of filenames to map :param parameter_maps: Optional vector of 3 parameter maps to be used for registration. If none are provided, a default vector of [rigid, affine, bspline] parameter maps is used. :param strict: Default False. If True, a ValueError will be raised when some filename is not present in every supplied directory. :rtype: [SimpleITK.Image] >>> us_data = os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'srv', 'ultrasound_data') >>> sub1 = os.path.join(us_data, 'sub1') >>> sub2 = os.path.join(us_data, 'sub2') >>> sub1_trials = os.path.join(sub1, 'trials') >>> sub2_trials = os.path.join(sub2, 'trials') >>> sub1_seg = os.path.join(sub1, seg) >>> sub2_hand_shoulder_seg = seg_map(sub1_trials, sub2_trials, sub1_seg, ['trial18_90_fs_volume.mha']) """ result_segs = [] for f in filenames: unsegmented_image = os.path.join(unsegmented_subject_dir, f) segmented_image = os.path.join(segmented_subject_dir, f) segmentation = os.path.join(segmentation_dir, f) if not all([os.path.isfile(image) for image in [unsegmented_image, segmented_image, segmentation]]): if strict: raise ValueError("File {} is not in all supplied directories".format(f)) continue result_segs.append(segment(unsegmented_image, segmented_image, segmentation, parameter_maps=parameter_maps)) return result_segs
[docs]def seg_map_all(segmented_subject_dir, unsegmented_subject_dir, segmentation_dir, parameter_maps=None, image_type='volume', strict=False): """Intra-subject segmentation mappings Like seg_map, but selects all files of image_type in supplied directories as filename selection. :param segmented_subject_dir: Directory with data of segmented image :param unsegmented_subject_dir: Directory with data of unsegmented_image :param segmentation_dir: Directory with data of segmented image segmentation :param parameter_maps: Optional vector of 3 parameter maps to be used for registration. If none are provided, a default vector of [rigid, affine, bspline] parameter maps is used. :param image_type: Either 'volume' or 'slice' corresponding to extensions '.mha' or '.nii', respectively :param strict: Default False. If True, a ValueError will be raised when some filename is not present in every supplied directory. :rtype: [SimpleITK.Image] >>> us_data = os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'srv', 'ultrasound_data') >>> sub1 = os.path.join(us_data, 'sub1') >>> sub2 = os.path.join(us_data, 'sub2') >>> sub1_trials = os.path.join(sub1, 'trials') >>> sub2_trials = os.path.join(sub2, 'trials') >>> sub1_seg = os.path.join(sub1, seg) >>> sub2_segs = seg_map_all(sub1_trials, sub2_trials, sub1_seg) """ sub1_images = _image_set(segmented_subject_dir, image_type=image_type) sub2_images = _image_set(unsegmented_subject_dir, image_type=image_type) matches = sub1_images.intersection(sub2_images) return seg_map(segmented_subject_dir, unsegmented_subject_dir, segmentation_dir, matches, parameter_maps=parameter_maps, strict=strict)
[docs]def split_x(img, midpoint_x, padding=False): """Splits image into two separate images along an x-plane Returns both halves of the image, returning the image with lower x values first :param img: Image to be split :param midpoint_x: x value specifying plane to split image along :param padding: Optional boolean to specify zero padding :type img: SimpleITK.Image :type midpoint_x: int :type padding: bool :rtype: (SimpleITK.Image, SimpleITK.Image) """ data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img) if padding: data1 = np.zeros(data.shape) data2 = np.zeros(data.shape) data1[:, :, :midpoint_x] = data[:, :, :midpoint_x] data2[:, :, midpoint_x:] = data[:, :, midpoint_x:] else: data1 = data[:midpoint_x, :, :] data2 = data[midpoint_x:, :, :] crop1 = sitk.GetImageFromArray(data1) crop2 = sitk.GetImageFromArray(data2) return crop1, crop2
[docs]def split_y(img, midpoint_y, padding=False): """Splits image into two separate images along an y-plane Returns both halves of the image, returning the image with lower y values first :param img: Image to be split :param midpoint_y: y value specifying plane to split image along :param padding: Optional boolean to specify zero padding :type img: SimpleITK.Image :type midpoint_y: int :type padding: bool :rtype: (SimpleITK.Image, SimpleITK.Image) """ data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img) if padding: data1 = np.zeros(data.shape) data2 = np.zeros(data.shape) data1[:, :midpoint_y, :] = data[:, :midpoint_y, :] data2[:, midpoint_y:, :] = data[:, midpoint_y:, :] else: data1 = data[:, :midpoint_y, :] data2 = data[:, midpoint_y:, :] crop1 = sitk.GetImageFromArray(data1) crop2 = sitk.GetImageFromArray(data2) return crop1, crop2
[docs]def split_z(img, midpoint_z, padding=False): """Splits image into two separate images along an z-plane Returns both halves of the image, returning the image with lower z values first :param img: Image to be split :param midpoint_z: z value specifying plane to split image along :param padding: Optional boolean to specify zero padding :type img: SimpleITK.Image :type midpoint_z: int :type padding: bool :rtype: (SimpleITK.Image, SimpleITK.Image) """ data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img) if padding: data1 = np.zeros(data.shape) data2 = np.zeros(data.shape) data1[:midpoint_z, :, :] = data[:midpoint_z, :, :] data2[midpoint_z:, :, :] = data[midpoint_z:, :, :] else: data1 = data[:midpoint_z, :, :] data2 = data[midpoint_z:, :, :] crop1 = sitk.GetImageFromArray(data1) crop2 = sitk.GetImageFromArray(data2) return crop1, crop2
[docs]def crop(img, start, end, padding=False): """Crops image along a bounding box specified by start and end :param img: Image to be cropped :param start: Tuple consisting of lower valued coordinates to define bounding box :param end: Tuple consisting of higher valued coordinates to define bounding box :param padding: Optional boolean to specify zero padding :type img: SimpleITK.Image :type start: (int, int, int) :type end: (int, int, int) :type padding: bool :rtype: SimpleITK.Image """ data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img) if padding: new_array_data = np.zeros(data.shape) new_array_data[start[2]:end[2], start[1]:end[1], start[0]:end[0]] \ = data[start[2]:end[2], start[1]:end[1], start[0]:end[0]] else: new_array_data = data[start[2]:end[2], start[1]:end[1], start[0]:end[0]] return sitk.GetImageFromArray(new_array_data)
[docs]def init_affine_transform(img, transform, center=None): """Initializes an affine transform parameter map for a given image. The transform fits the following format: T(x) = A(x-c) + c + t :param img: Image to be transformed :param transform: 4x3 numpy array consisting of affine matrix and a translational vector :param center: Center of rotation. If none given, geometric center is used :type img: SimpleITK.Image :type transform: numpy.ndarray :type center: (int, int, int) :rtype: dict """ affine = _get_default_affine_transform() f = lambda x: tuple([str(i) for i in x]) affine['Size'] = f(img.GetSize()) affine['Spacing'] = f(img.GetSpacing()) affine['Origin'] = f(img.GetOrigin()) affine['Direction'] = f(img.GetDirection()) affine['CenterOfRotationPoint'] = affine['Origin'] if center: affine['CenterOfRotationPoint'] = f(center) else: offset = [.5*x*y for x, y in zip(img.GetSize(), img.GetSpacing())] affine['CenterOfRotationPoint'] = f([x + y for x, y in zip(offset, img.GetOrigin())]) affine['TransformParameters'] = f(transform.ravel()) return affine
########################## # Private module helpers # ########################## def _image_set(dirname, image_type='volume'): if image_type == 'volume': ext = '.mha' elif image_type == 'slice': ext = '.nii' else: raise ValueError("kwarg image_type must be either 'volume' or 'slice'") images = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, '*{}'.format(ext))) return set(os.path.basename(image) for image in images) def _to_elastix(pm, ttype): elastix_pm = sitk.GetDefaultParameterMap(ttype) if sys.version_info[0] >=3: it = pm.items() else: it = pm.iteritems() for k, v in it: if type(v) == list: elastix_pm[k] = v else: elastix_pm[k] = [v] return elastix_pm def _sim_score(candidate, ground_truth): candidate = sitk.Cast(candidate, ground_truth.GetPixelID()) candidate.CopyInformation(ground_truth) overlap_filter = sitk.LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter() overlap_filter.Execute(ground_truth, candidate) return overlap_filter.GetDiceCoefficient() def _nn_assoc(pms): return _pm_vec_assoc('ResampleInterpolator', 'FinalNearestNeighborInterpolator', pms) def _nn_assoc_indv(pm): return _pm_assoc('ResampleInterpolator', 'FinalNearestNeighborInterpolator', pm) def _auto_init_assoc(pms): return _pm_vec_assoc('AutomaticTransformInitialization', 'true', pms) def _auto_init_assoc_indv(pm): return _pm_assoc('AutomaticTransformInitialization', 'true', pm) def _pm_assoc(k, v, pm): result = {} if sys.version_info[0] >=3: it = pm.items() else: it = pm.iteritems() for key, val in it: if key == k: result[key] = [v] else: result[key] = val return result def _pm_vec_assoc(k, v, pms): return [_pm_assoc(k, v, pm) for pm in pms] def _get_default_rigid(): return DEFAULT_RIGID def _get_default_affine(): return DEFAULT_AFFINE def _get_default_bspline(): return DEFAULT_BSPLINE def _get_default_affine_transform(): return DEFAULT_AFFINE_TRANSFORM def _get_default_vector(): return [_get_default_rigid(), _get_default_affine(), _get_default_bspline()] ########################## # Default parameter maps # ########################## # These should probably be moved to their own module if we add many more. # If you do this, be sure to change the above helper functions. DEFAULT_RIGID = { "AutomaticParameterEstimation": ['true'], "AutomaticTransformInitialization": ['true'], "BSplineInterpolationOrder": ['3.000000'], "CheckNumberOfSamples": ['true'], "DefaultPixelValue": ['0.000000'], "FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder": ['3.000000'], "FixedImagePyramid": ['FixedSmoothingImagePyramid'], "ImageSampler": ['RandomCoordinate'], "Interpolator": ['BSplineInterpolator'], "MaximumNumberOfIterations": ['1024.000000'], "MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts": ['8.000000'], "Metric": ['AdvancedMattesMutualInformation'], "MovingImagePyramid": ['MovingSmoothingImagePyramid'], "NewSamplesEveryIteration": ['true'], "NumberOfHistogramBins": ['64.000000'], "NumberOfResolutions": ['3.000000'], "NumberOfSamplesForExactGradient": ['4096.000000'], "NumberOfSpatialSamples": ['2000.000000'], "Optimizer": ['AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent'], "Registration": ['MultiResolutionRegistration'], "ResampleInterpolator": ['FinalBSplineInterpolator'], "Resampler": ['DefaultResampler'], "ResultImageFormat": ['nii'], "Transform": ['EulerTransform'], "WriteIterationInfo": ['false'], "WriteResultImage": ['true'], } DEFAULT_AFFINE = { "AutomaticParameterEstimation": ['true'], "CheckNumberOfSamples": ['true'], "DefaultPixelValue": ['0.000000'], "FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder": ['3.000000'], "FixedImagePyramid": ['FixedSmoothingImagePyramid', 'FixedRecursiveImagePyramid'],#first one "ImageSampler": ['RandomCoordinate'], "Interpolator": ['BSplineInterpolator'],#Linear Interpolator "MaximumNumberOfIterations": ['1024.000000'],#256 "MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts": ['8.000000'], "Metric": ['AdvancedMattesMutualInformation'], "MovingImagePyramid": ['MovingSmoothingImagePyramid'], "NewSamplesEveryIteration": ['true'], "NumberOfHistogramBins": ['32.000000'],#nonexistant "NumberOfResolutions": ['4.000000'], "NumberOfSamplesForExactGradient": ['4096.000000'], "NumberOfSpatialSamples": ['2048.000000'], "Optimizer": ['AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent'], "Registration": ['MultiResolutionRegistration'], "ResampleInterpolator": ['FinalBSplineInterpolator'], "Resampler": ['DefaultResampler'], "ResultImageFormat": ['nii'], "Transform": ['AffineTransform'], "WriteIterationInfo": ['false'], "WriteResultImage": ['true'], } DEFAULT_BSPLINE = { 'AutomaticParameterEstimation': ["true"], 'CheckNumberOfSamples': ["true"], 'DefaultPixelValue': ['0.000000'], 'FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder': ['3.000000'], 'FinalGridSpacingInPhysicalUnits': ['4.000000', '6.000000'],#8 'FixedImagePyramid': ['FixedSmoothingImagePyramid'], 'ImageSampler': ['RandomCoordinate'],#Missing gridspacingschedule 'Interpolator': ['LinearInterpolator'], 'MaximumNumberOfIterations': ['1024.000000'],#256 'MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts': ['8.000000'], 'Metric': [['AdvancedMattesMutualInformation', 'TransformBendingEnergyPenalty']], 'Metric0Weight': ['0', '0.5', '1.000000', '2.0'], #1.0 'Metric1Weight': ['1.000000'], 'MovingImagePyramid': ["MovingSmoothingImagePyramid"], 'NewSamplesEveryIteration': ['true'], 'NumberOfHistogramBins': ['32.000000'],#nonexistant 'NumberOfResolutions': ['4.000000'], 'NumberOfSamplesForExactGradient': ['4096.000000'], 'NumberOfSpatialSamples': ['2048.000000'], 'Optimizer': ['AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent'], 'Registration': ['MultiMetricMultiResolutionRegistration'], 'ResampleInterpolator': ['FinalBSplineInterpolator'], 'Resampler': ['DefaultResampler'], 'ResultImageFormat': ['nii'], 'Transform': ['BSplineTransform'], 'WriteIterationInfo': ['false'], 'WriteResultImage': ['true'] } DEFAULT_AFFINE_TRANSFORM = { 'AutomaticScalesEstimation': ('True'), 'CenterOfRotationPoint': ('0.0', '0.0', '0.0'), 'CompressResultImage': ('false',), 'DefaultPixelValue': ('0.000000',), 'FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder': ('3',), 'FixedInternalImagePixelType': ('float',), 'Index': ('0', '0', '0'), 'NumberOfParameters': ('12',), 'ResampleInterpolator': ['FinalNearestNeighborInterpolator'], 'Resampler': ('DefaultResampler',), 'ResultImageFormat': ('nii',), 'ResultImagePixelType': ('float',), 'Transform': ('AffineTransform',), 'UseDirectionCosines': ('true',) }